I’m originally from Michigan and currently reside in Los Angeles, via Chicago and New York.

I’ve been in sketch comedy groups, did stand-up, had corporate jobs, worked at a record label, all sorts.

Additionally, I’m a self-managed theatrical assistant (film & tv). In this capacity, my position includes:

  • Repping over 80 actors.

  • Scouting.

  • Creation of an on-boarding process (submission form, databases, ActorsAccess 101 video presentation, meetings with actors to review their career/media/needs).

  • Communication and enforcement of industry standards for self-tapes, profiles and media.

  • Reviewing self-tapes and offering direction.

  • Maintaining an audition/booking log.

  • Pitching, creation of electronic press sheets.

  • Vetting and submitting booking paperwork.

  • Assisting actors in selecting headshots and media.

  • And more!

    Certainly, people may find me to be blunt. I don’t want to waste anybody’s time by being dishonest and telling them everything is great when it isn’t. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my career, have had bad advice, bad headshots. I don’t want to see others suffer.

    Some may see being an actor and theatrical assistant as a conflict of interest. I’m not delusional about what I can play. I know I don’t fit a lot of roles and that’s totally fine.